BeadReady™ - Atelerix

BeadReady™ : Immobilise and store your fresh cells in our hydrogel encapsulation technology, specifically formulated for imaging and co-culture.


  • International Delivery Available


Includes non-crosslinked gels, gelation buffers and dissolution buffer for the encapsulation, storage and release of cells in suspension.


You can preserve a broad range of cell types. 

Easily image your cells in 3D within a fully transparent hydrogel  

Perfect for co-culture due to optimal mass transfer properties 


Encapsulate your cells by simply mixing them with a gel solution and dispensing the mixture into the gelation solution. As the cell-laden droplets meet the gelation solution beads will form, instantly encapsulating the cells. Replace the gelation solution with a medium and the sample is then ready for storage or shipment. When ready to be used a gentle Dissolution Buffer is added to dissolve the gel. Cells can then be sedimented, resuspended and placed in culture.



Image Cells in 3D and perform co-culture

Left - The effect of encapsulated AD-MSCs on corneal stromal cell scratch wound healing assays before (black) and after (blue) storage for 3 days (Left). Right - 3D confocal imaging of  Adipose Derived (AD-) MSCs in a single BeadReady™ bead after 2 days at room temperature allows spatial examination of cells within the matrix (Green: Calcein-AM, Red: Ethidium Homodimer-1).  

Preserve Viability and Phenotype

Storage of corneal stromal stem cell therapy in BeadReady™ extends shelf life from 8 hours to 5 days during shipment in generic temperature-controlled packaging in Indian summertime. Approved by CDSCO as ancillary products in clinical trial. 


Preserve Function

Reversal of scarring by Limbal Stromal Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (LS-MSCs) stored in BeadReady™ for 3-5 days in a corneal wound mouse model. Left - Reduction in scar area (top) and promotion of re-epithelialisation as assessed by fluorescein staining (bottom) are shown. Right - Prevention of scar formation by LS-MSCs stored 


Pre-Clinical Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety of Human Limbus-Derived Stromal/Mesenchymal Stem Cells with and without Alginate Encapsulation for Future Clinical Applications

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Storable Cell-Laden Alginate Based Bioinks for 3D Biofabrication

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Safety and Efficacy of alginate-preserved human limbus-derived mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of superficial corneal pathologies

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